Taxonomic list T3, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

divisio cavitatis organi

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Top level res incorporea Short Extended
Level 2 spatium anatomicum Short Extended
Current level divisio cavitatis organi Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
9337 10573
divisio cavitatis organi
subdivision of cavity of organ
14151 14809
divisio cavitatis camerae cardiacae
subdivision of cavity of cardiac chamber
13246 3655 part
sinus venarum cavarum
sinus of venae cavae; sinus venarum
242261 19871
subdivision of cavity of neuraxis
62945 16049
divisio laminae vaginae
subdivision of layer of vagina
62947 2557
foveola gastrica
gastric foveola
9336 16199
cavity of subdivision of serous pouch
55667 16863
divisio cavitatis dentis
subdivision of pulp cavity
55674 2373 part
canalis radicis dentis
root canal; pulp canal
57169 16864
camera cavitatis dentis
chamber of pulp cavity
57174 16876
divisio camerae cavitatis dentis
subdivision of chamber of pulp cavity
55668 2372 part
cavitas coronae dentis
pulp cavity of crown
12 items
16 entities
Scientific notes
Date: 03.06.2024